Captain’s Blog No 22, (22.03.21)
Dear Members,
So, I have come to the end of my year as PHGC Captain. And what an extraordinary year it has been!
For the whole year all our lives have been dominated by the pandemic and the resulting restrictions. Everything has been overshadowed by doom and gloom and the truly horrific daily statistics of illness and death.
In this rather grim context, I think we can be very proud that PHGC has been a welcome refuge, a beacon of positivity and a haven of normality for much the year.
Right at the outset everyone at the club took the decision that we would try to complete as much of the annual programme as possible. This decision was rewarded by a surge in membership (well over 100 new and very active members) and very heavy footfall on the course (there wasn’t much else to do!).
This resulted in a really vibrant golf season from mid May to the end of Oct. While social events were not possible and the normal social activities associated with golf were restricted, the men’s, ladies and senior sections all completed very nearly full summer seasons with record numbers of participants. Despite the pandemic there was a real buzz about the place!
This was all made possible by the positivity and commitment of all involved. What could have been a damp squib turned out to a very memorable year.
Some highlights of my year
I approached the year with a plan for a programme of golf and social events but that went out of the window with the first lockdown a week before I became Captain.
The pandemic effectively wiped out the social elements of the year but on the golf side outcomes exceeded my expectations. The highlights for me included:
- 2 really well supported Saturday Charity Days - more than 100 participants in each,
- A Seniors Charity Day – with over 50 participants despite torrential rain!
- 2 very enjoyable Captain’s away days (Henlle and Eaton) 2 beautiful courses
Seniors away day at Maesdu
- 15 Captain’s Challenge matches all played in great spirit with a nice competitive edge (Prizes to be handed out shortly)
- A wonderful invitation day (despite a 5hr plus round)
- Adam’s 24hr golfathon – what an effort from Adam, my first experience of night time golf (absolutely crackers!)
- The Lady Captain v Captain team match – a really enjoyable event, hopefully to be repeated
- Roger’s Junior European Tour Event – meeting some of the stars of the future
With the exception of the Seniors Charity Day all these events played on idyllic summer days (I was very lucky with the weather).
All in all a memorable season.
The Captain’s Charity - Prostate Cancer UK
Prostate Cancer UK needs no introduction, funding research into improved diagnostics and treatments for the most common and (sadly) deadly men’s cancer in the UK, particular significant to me and many other PHGC members.
Thanks to your generosity (despite loss of many planned social events) we have raised £6082.
A huge thank you to everyone.
Thank yous
There are so many people to thank.
Firstly Isabelle for all her support and advice, it’s been great to have a golfer, PH member and former Lady Captain at my side.
All the team at the club, Richard, Joan in the Office, Rachel in the shop (particularly Rachel, she’s a great asset to the club), all the bar and catering staff and the green keepers who have provided support and encouragement along with lots of practical help.
Lady Captain Karen, it’s been a real pleasure to share the Captaincy with Karen, whose been an outstanding LC. We are very lucky to have such a vibrant Ladies section who contribute so much to the club.
For me the competition programmes are at the heart of the club, so the 3 committee who organise the competition are the bedrock. I want thank all the committee members who work behind the scenes to keep the show on the road.
Particular thanks must go to Glyn Jones who does an amazing job organising the Seniors programme, And also on the mens committee Brian Palmer who is a brilliant and very hard working chairman, Handicap Secretary Pete Goulden (always a tough job and this year he had the WHS to cope with), and Alan Dunne who spends hours each week sorting out cards, scores, disputes etc.
The membership, my overriding impression from the year has been the level of personal support I have received from so many of the members. I have been really touched by messages of encouragement and support, everyone has been unfailingly positive, it really has meant a lot to me, thank you all.
Our Next Captain – Gordon Wallace
It is a real pleasure to pass the mantel to Gordon. I didn’t know Gordon very well before this year but asking Gordon to my Vice Captain was an inspired move. Gordon has been a wonderful VC, he is passionate about PH, he has been hugely supportive and always very positive throughout the year. It has a real pleasure to get to know him better.
I know Gordon will be a great Captain and I look forward to supporting him in what I am sure is going to be another memorable year for PHGC. For the record Gordon and I are booked to play golf on March 31st and during the round the Captaincy will pass to Gordon.
Final Thought
It has been a real privilege to be the Club Captain, PH is a special club with wonderful members so despite all the external issues I have had a really memorable year that has generated a host of positive memories that I will treasure for ever
And with that its over to you Gordon.
Thanks to you all,