Captain's Blog (2020) #8

Captain’s Blog No 8, (29.06.20)

As we gradually emerge from lockdown (let’s hope that the virus continues to decline!) events on the golf course have moved on at pace. Over the past 2 weeks the competition schedule has swung into full operation. Making up for lost time, competitions and in particular major trophy events, have been coming thick and fast!

It is really exciting to see that the numbers participating in all competitions are at record levels, the only difficulty now is finding tee times for everybody. It’s a great problem to have! Already the men have played 5 trophy competitions with the winners listed below.

The Rosebowl – Tim Spence, Nett 63
The Barnes Cup – Gareth Hughes, Nett 66 
Northern Trophy – Thomas Gibbons, 40pts
McEwans Trophy – Jon Briggs, 40pts
Hogan Trophy – Jamie Randles, 38pts

The Ladies section has also been busy with 2 further trophy competitions, their winners were;

Calloway Trophy – Karen Green (Lady Captain), Nett 71
Curtis Trophy – Linda Heaher, 34pts
Divisional winners of the Thursday Stableford on 25th June were,
Sharon Shorthouse 36pts, Teresa Girdham 41pts (great score) and Joan Hayes 35pts.

The Seniors section is also thriving, with more than 60 competitors in each Tuesday morning competition. Their highlight this month was the June Medal with some really low scoring, the winners were;

Division 1 - Ronnie Taylor, Nett 64
Division 2 - Cyril Craven, Nett 61 – amazing score!
Division 3 - Ian Craven, Nett 67

Well done to all the winners.

With all these competitions and the really high numbers of members playing (both competitively and socially) despite the very abnormal backdrop, there has been a real buzz at the club. Thank you to everybody for creating such a positive atmosphere.  

With the further relaxation of the lockdown in the coming days, I understand the clubhouse will be partially reopening on Saturday. I look forward to sharing a cup of tea or a drink after a round of golf with as many of you as possible in the coming weeks.

Stay safe