Despite the forced cancellation of the AGM, the club decided that the Captaincy would be transferred as originally planned. So sometime in the last few days Karen Green assumed the Lady Captaincy with Sue Dunne as her Vice and I assumed the Club Captaincy with Gordon Wallace as my Vice. The AGM paperwork will be circulated to everybody in the next few days.
Understandably at this extraordinary and very worrying time, golf related matters are not anyone’s top priority. My overriding thoughts are that all members, staff, owners and their families stay safe and hope and pray that we all get through this.
My intention was to publish a regular Captain’s blog to reflect on golfing and social events at the club. Clearly, this is currently a redundant idea. However, there are a few golf club related issues I would like to address in this, my first blog.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate Pam and Ian on their very successful Captaincies. Despite suffering a very wet year both have provided very positive leadership of the club, organised many excellent events and generated some great memories to help us through this period of lockdown. They will be a hard act to follow!
Secondly. This is a desperately difficult time for the club and I would ask all members to show commitment to it. The membership of PHGC has always been very loyal and supportive and there is a really strong sense of community and camaraderie within the club that can help us all at this difficult time. The one thing we can all do, to help safeguard the club and the jobs of the staff, is to pay our membership fees promptly. I know Richard and the staff would really appreciate this.
In this context there are some very positive things to report from the club. 1, The work on the extension to produce the new members area has continued and is nearing completion. 2, The green staff, under the leadership of our new head greenkeeper Andy, (who has joined us from Wilmslow GC) are continuing to work. With the benefit of the good recent weather and absence of golfers(!), I understand they are making excellent progress in restoring the course following the atrocious winter. Before the lockdown, the Members Council, Andy and Richard had a really positive discussion about course maintenance and the course presentation standard (agreed last year). Consequently, I am excited about the future of the course!
With your continued support, the future of PHGC is very bright. So, to those of you who have renewed your membership, thank you. To those who haven’t yet renewed please help us secure this future by re-joining ASAP. Thanks.
Despite, there being no prospect of any golf for some time I do intend to produce regular blogs just to keep in touch. So, until the next time, keep safe and stay positive – there is much to look forward to at PHGC!
Dave Hughes (PHGC Club Captain 2020!)