Captain’s Blog No 17, (05.11.20)
Dear Members
I am writing this on the first day of the 2nd lockdown. Despite vigorous representation from Golf England and others, golf has not been spared so the club and course are totally closed for at least 4 weeks. This is very disappointing and I know many of you will miss all aspects of the golfing experience. I have to admit that I am not the most ardent winter golfer but I suspect that after this period of enforced abstinence (however long it turns out to be) I will return with renewed enthusiasm!
The lockdown coincides with the official end of our summer competition season so this is a good point to reflect on what (for me at least) has been a memorable few months. The pandemic has of course cast a dark shadow on everyone’s life but golf has provided much needed relief. From the outset at the end of the 1st lockdown the enthusiasm for golf and PHGC was obvious as existing and many new members flocked to the course. Blessed with good weather and a well presented course there was a real buzz about the club.
This has been maintained throughout the summer, the club and course have been very well used all year.
Competitions organised by the men, ladies and senior sections have been very well supported. In particular, the numbers playing in the men’s Saturday and Wednesday comps have soared. Charity events, away days etc have all been very well supported.
It has been a real pleasure to be Captain, I have been uplifted by the overwhelming goodwill and positivity of members directed both personally to me and more generally to the club. This has been amplified by the amazing generosity towards my charity (to date your support has raised over £6000). Thank you!
Perhaps in future blogs I will reflect further on some of the many highlights of my year so far (particularly if the lockdown persists) but for today I just want to comment on the Presentation Event last Saturday.
As we were unable to hold a presentation evening it was a great idea to hold this event so we could celebrate and acknowledge the success of the main competition winners. The weather did its bests to disrupt things but 73 very hardy souls defied the elements and took part, not surprisingly the scoring was generally modest.
Congratulations to Steve Wynne for the best score of the day (36pts) even being out first and probably enduring the worst of the weather. Despite the weather and the limitations imposed by the Covid restrictions there was a very positive mood, it was a welcome opportunity to thank those who have supported the competition programme all summer and a fitting way to end the season.
This week’s introduction of the new world handicapping system is something to think about during lockdown. I believe most members have now been allocated new handicaps but I also understand that in many cases these are be incorrect! Hopefully before we play again this will be sorted out and everybody will understand how it works.
Look after yourselves during lockdown, stay active and stay safe.